Thursday, July 28, 2016

World’s Largest Carbon Producers Face Human Rights Abuse Allegations

epa04736229 (FILE) The sun sets behind a smoking chimney in Wismar, Germany, 31 October 2015. Global carbon dioxide concentrations surpassed 400 parts per million in March 2015 for the first time since tracking began, a US government agency announced on 06 May 2015. The rise is largely attributed to humans burning fossil fuels, said the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Since pre-industrial times, global carbon dioxide concentrations have risen more than 120 parts per million, with half of that rise occurring since 1980. Carbon dioxide emissions are used as one indicator of climate change. EPA/DANIEL REINHARDT

The world’s 47 largest investor-owned fossil fuel and cement producers have found themselves accused this week of human rights abuses. In December of 2015, we reported on an investigation being carried out by the Philippines Commission on Human Rights (CHR) into whether fossil fuel companies are to be held responsible for the impacts of climate change. [&hellip

World’s Largest Carbon Producers Face Human Rights Abuse Allegations was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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