Thursday, September 15, 2016

US SunShot Initiative To Receive Up To $107 Million For New Projects And R&D

Solar panels (left) are the sole source of energy for the runway lights at the 45th Operations Group, Detachment 2, at Ascension Auxiliary Airfield (AAF), South Atlantic Ocean. Ascension AAF's award winning economical self-sufficiency solutions also includes (nearby) wind turbines, drinking water production (center) and (nearby) waste water treatment. "It is exciting to see this base operate in a "green" environment day-to-day,Ó said Major Jay Block, commander of the detachment. ÒIt is cost effective and at the same time, protects our environment without interfering with any of our various missions down here. Going "green" has actually helped us become more efficient providing power, and water to the air field and the base" The mission of Det. 2 is support of eastern range space launches by collecting and disseminating radar, telemetry and tracking data. Some of the many radar and communication sites can bee seen on the hilltops. Many more are positioned throughout the volcanic island. Ascension island is 35 square miles in a remote island location midway between Brazil and Angola. The nearest country is Liberia - 1000 miles away. (U.S. Air Force photo/Lance Cheung)

The United States Energy Department has announced it will provide up to $107 million in new projects and planned research and development funding through the country’s SunShot Initiative. Announced on Wednesday, the US Department of Energy (DOE) stated it would fund 40 projects with a total of $42 million through the Office of Energy Efficiency and [&hellip

US SunShot Initiative To Receive Up To $107 Million For New Projects And R&D was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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