Thursday, August 25, 2016

Opel Ampera-e (Chevy Bolt) Making World Premiere At Mondial de l’Automobile In Paris

Opel Ampera-e (Chevy Bolt) Making World Premiere At Mondial de l’Automobile In Paris

The Opel Ampera-e, a rebranding of the soon-to-be-released Chevy Bolt, will be making its European debut in October at the “Mondial de l’Automobile” in Paris, according to a new press release. It’s not completely clear yet how seriously the Opel Ampera-e will be marketed and in what volume GM is prepared to produce it, but [&hellip

Opel Ampera-e (Chevy Bolt) Making World Premiere At Mondial de l’Automobile In Paris was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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