Wednesday, August 17, 2016

DHL (Deutsche Post) Electric Delivery Vans To Go On Sale In 2017

23. Mai 2013, Berlin, Deutschland, Deutsche Post DHL, Elektrofahrzeuge [Foto: KAY HERSCHELMANN Telefon:+49 (0)30-2927537 Mobil: +49 (0)171 26 73 495 email:, Berliner Sparkasse BAN: DE02 1005 0000 1554 5828 37 BIC-/SWIFT-Code: BE LA DE BE BLZ: 10050000 Konto-Nr.:1554582837 Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Urhebervermerk wird gemaess Paragraph 13 UrhG verlangt. Weitergabe an Dritte nur mit Genehmigung des Fotografen. NO MODEL RELEASE!]

Editor’s Note: In April, we published on Deutsche Post (known globally as DHL) getting into the electric delivery van game. Now, the venture has taken another step forward news, with an announcement about the launch of delivery van … deliveries. Here’s more in a Gas2 repost from Steve: Deutsche Post, known globally as DHL, is one of the world’s largest [&hellip

DHL (Deutsche Post) Electric Delivery Vans To Go On Sale In 2017 was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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