Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Massive Substation ‘Andalucía’ Sets Sail For 350 MW German Offshore Wind Farm

160813 Salida de los astilleros de Navantia Puerto Real de la Subestación Andalucia del proyecto Wikinger de Iberdrola

One of the world’s largest offshore substations departed from Cadiz in Southern Spain this past weekend, setting sail for the 350 MW Wikinger offshore windfarm in the German zone of the Baltic Sea. The ‘Andalucía’ substation was built by Navantia at the Puerto Real shipyard, with a budget of €1.4 billion, weighing in at over 8,500 tonnes — [&hellip

Massive Substation ‘Andalucía’ Sets Sail For 350 MW German Offshore Wind Farm was originally published on CleanTechnica.

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